When you write, let your content be your branding


In one of my previous posts I wrote about the importance of creating your personal brand and how to “fine tune” your own writing voice. The issue of branding, marketing, self-promotion can put an additional pressure in any creative work. For many is still a dilemma: do we follow the mainstream market currents and compromise our creative integrity or we follow our creative dream – even if it’s not reliable source of income?

With the rise of digital era and social media, the expansion of creative entrepreneurs is still on the growing rate. And especially if you are a writer, because what ever you write – being that related to your work or not – it sends the message out to the world who you are; what are your values; what do you strive for. With every word we write we literally paint an image about ourselves.

So in a way we can treat our writing as a branding tool. Our writing should communicate our creative vision, in accordance with our professional credibility. In time, it might be hard, to achieve the level of objectivity we desire, but with focus on intentional writing, having aligned our purpose and values, our writing will more reflect of who we are, and how we want to be perceived by the world around us.

Writing (not just as an act of writing), but about our creative endeavors, sharing our creative vision – doesn’t necessarily has to be seen as a try to convince someone into something or selling anything, but rather as a creating an experience where we can share our talents at broader scope; building a firm foundation for a contribution we can make with our work. It’s a natural way of attracting like-minded people and fostering community.

I believe that expressing creative action in any way that will find its course to the hearts of people who want to engage in that kind of experience, doesn’t have to be seen as crude, soulless marketing. Actually, once you create something and let it be seen by the public-it takes the life of its own: to inspire and motivate someone else, to bring enjoyment, purpose or improve someone’s life. That’s the moment when the loop of creativity cycle is closed and it becomes the source of something more beautiful: world can benefit from fruits of your work.

Following some of the rules of poetic expression can be very helpful. Using the words that have a rhythm can amplify your message to the level it resonates with your audience; to become more memorable and make that human connection we need in sharing our creativity. They say: “Content is the king” – then how do you present is it’s throne: how you say something is as important as what you say. It’s a basic a foundation on which you will further build your message to be embraced by your readers. “Wooden” language, with no emotion, no personal perspective, “flat” narrative without promise of adventure and surprise cannot cut through the noise of ordinary information into the hearts and minds of target audiences.

What constitutes good writing? A content, but also concise and well organized information, wrapped in your unique writing style. Now, unmerciful editing will get us closer to more understandable information, but the style is what one remembers. Enriching our writing with poetic tones can add that distinctive melody to our writing. And I’m not talking about metaphors and adorning your writing with useless attributes: I’m talking about the structure, rhythm and balance, skillful art of the phrasing right. It can give the strength to your writing, expressing your creative outlet in right way – the way it will stuck to the hearts and minds of your audience. That’s why I stress out the importance of what you write to read out loud. If you are ensured that what you wrote communicates your personality, in comprehensive manner, then it will have the desired impact.

How These Words Happened by William Stafford

In winter, in the dark hours, when others
were asleep, I found these words and put them
together by their appetites and respect for
each other. In stillness, they jostled. They traded
meaning while pretending to have only one.

Monstrous alliances never dreamed of before
began. Sometimes they last. Never again
do they separate in this world. They die
together. They have a fidelity that no
purpose or pretense can ever break.

And all of this happens like magic to the words
in those dark hours when others sleep.

25 thoughts on “When you write, let your content be your branding

  1. Great post! I’m also a big fan of reading my work out loud before I hit publish. Not only does it help me spot small errors, but it also helps me ensure that the piece sounds like ME. Have a great weekend!


  2. Thank you for writing and sharing this. It reinforces my beliefs exactly. The idea of meter, rhythm, balance and weight of sentences, at the beginning, middle and end and how they tie in with the overall weight of the paragraph or whole piece is something that seems to be diminishing in later day writers.

    As such, you tend to feel like your mind has just come off a roller-coaster because if you’re aware and trained in those things, it unsettles your vestibular vernacular.

    The other thing that is disturbing me is the overuse of descriptives leaving nothing to for the reader to conjure. They are painted a whole picture, like a TV screen blared into the back of the mind, they don’t use appropriate withhold, pause, patience and offer respect to the readers mind. It’s almost an insult. E.g. something I read the other day, ‘She removed her blood stained white shirt. Her hair fell on her bare shoulders’ . That lost me as a reader straight away. Too much for no reason.

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    1. There is just too much information out there, that doesn’t serve us. We need to filter what we read and how do we feed our minds. I completely agree with you. I rarely watch TV or blockbuster movies that only relate to technology and ‘special effects’…the good news is that we can control and choose what we read. That’s one of the reasons I like to promote poetry here. It only brings value to us. 🙂

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