9 questions to ask yourself to know if your creative flow is on the right track


The moment after you had your breakthrough idea, what happens? Sometimes, with steady persistence we continue on refining our creative solution, we try to implement our idea and sometimes the idea bulb turns on just in another minute to disappear in open air like a deflated balloon.

Why do we give up on some ideas?

In my experience, answer might be hidden among these statements:

  1. I lack discipline and persistence (which might be due to distractions, preoccupation with other things or even due to health reason – simply you don’t feel good).
  1. It requires more effort from my side than I thought. Certain things ask for constant investment of our time, money, energy.. it just seems too difficult, especially if it’s not ‘a one time thing’ but it needs some kind of repetition and maintenance.
  1. The end goal is not clear. What do I want to achieve? What’s the value of what I’m doing? If we don’t recognize an instant gratification, it’s a rather a creativity killer than inspirational flow of ideas.
  1. And the all time famous: fear of failure. “It will not work, I can’t do it, because…” endless reasons we find why we don’t keep up with implementing our idea. Self-doubt is also one of those thirsty worms that creeps into our mind and simply sucks out any creative optimism we might have!

I have found that once I manage to connect my creative pursuits with what I want to achieve goes beyond my own satisfaction and gratification, has meaning and contributes to something larger than myself, I’m more motivated and I manage to put aside all reasons why not to do something.

Now, to keep on track creative project I ask myself simple questions:

  1. Who else can benefit from my work (is it community or business oriented, for example)?
  2. What’s the purpose of my idea (solution, project..)?
  3. Do I have all the resources that I need?
  4. Is what I do, in alignment with who I am and my beliefs?
  5. How can I simplify the process (solution)?
  6. Am I focused enough, or are there any distractions I can remove in order to be more concentrated?
  7. What action I can implement to move forward with my project?
  8. Does it bring me joy and fun?
  9. Does my idea foster beauty and harmony (how does it appeal to senses, what kind of atmosphere it produces)?

You know, when I started this blog a few months ago, I was thinking: “You are crazy, you are starting a  blog about poetry, literature and writing and you don’t have a degree in literature or English language. English language is not even your mother tongue!” Yet I wanted to share my amazement about the benefits that poetry brought into my life. So I began to cheer myself: “But I do know about creativity. I do know about the business and management. I am a creative person. I tried many different things. People can learn from me. And I can learn from them.”

So, “Business in Rhyme” was born and I have even more passion to write about the connection of creativity and poetry than at the beginning. There is still much what I want to share, contribute and learn – it’s a journey I’m looking forward to.

How do you keep your creative flow on track?

”There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
‘I feel this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong.’
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What’s right for you–just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.”  

~Shel Silverstein

25 thoughts on “9 questions to ask yourself to know if your creative flow is on the right track

    1. Yeah, that can be tricky, that happens to me, for example when instead of doing what I think it’s right – a lot of people try to convince me in their point view. The truth is, you are the only one who knows the answer what’s best route to take. My gut feeling never failed me. If it doesn’t feel right, being that to work with someone or for someone, asking for help ext..your inner being knows the answer. You have to listen carefully.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That is great. I guess my objective was just to experiment with my creativity and have fun but I learn everyday about how much more blogging has to offer to me and to others. I value the thoughts you share:-)

        Liked by 1 person

  1. ‘How do you keep your creative flow on track?’
    Lovely question – great context.
    I don’t. I don’t have creative flow. I only have work. Sometimes it’s cooking. Other times it’s conversing. And – right now – it’s writing to you all. If others call my work creative, that’s their business (though I love to hear them say that.)
    I prioritise routine – daily effort. Time rewards time.
    For me, any shred of ‘creative’ work is a curse – it sets me up to slow down, engage in cross-chatter & debate between my multiple personalities.
    Choosing between alternatives – attractive alternatives – that’s the game bridge – what shall I lead, now that the contract’s clear?
    Great inspiration you. Creative one.
    Thank you very much

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your very thorough comment. You see, I personally, when I’m working on something new, I’m not always confident that it will work out the way it will be satisfactory- these question are a sort of framework not to get lost. Considering making priorities that is always first on the agenda. I just have a blog post coming very soon on that topic. Thanks again for stopping by 🙂


  2. What useful questions! I need to make a note of those. I always used to be a finisher – never missed a deadline. Then in the past few years I’ve had a project on the go that’s been a nightmare. I’ve dropped it and picked it up, dropped it and picked it up, because I could not get the structure right. Each time, time has helped. I’ve just needed to put it aside and think about something else for a while. It’s in cold storage at the moment, but I do hope I’ll finish it one day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That does happen with some projects. Give it a try – maybe through these questions you will be able to structure it better and define some more precise goals. Thanks for the comment and don’t hesitate if you have any further questions – just ask:)


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