7 tips for improving your creative writing skills

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As a writer, you don’t want to be just good or average. You want to be better; you want to improve your skills and you want to have your own recognizable style. Well, all that doesn’t happen overnight. It takes courage, perseverance, consistency in your writing attempts – no matter the rejections, lack of time or inspiration. Your writing can improve with practice and I will share here some tips you might find helpful:

1.Don’t find time – make time for your writing

As I said in the above introductory paragraph, it’s of great importance that you schedule regular time for your creativity, every day. When you have an idea, jot it down – don’t ignore it and let it flourish on your paper. You never know when inspiration will strike, so be prepared with little notebook by your side.

2. Don’t fear rejection

Show the world your creative power – maybe through blog, writing platforms or even through writing journals and open competitions. It’s a great way to practice your writing, refine your own style and maybe your story, poem, article gets published and recognized by editors – you don’t have anything to lose.

3.Join the community

There are many forums and other forms of networks where you can practice along with other fellow writers as response to different topics and prompts. It’s a great opportunity to get feedback about your writing and share your struggles and accomplishments.

4. Challenge yourself

As a poet you might try short story writing. It will provoke your thinking, channel your ideas in different directions. The more you step out of your comfort zone, the more your writing will mature and grow.

5.Read a lot; and then read some more!

Reading is a prerequisite to any good writing. It will not only enrich your vocabulary, but it will give you confidence that you can write too; that you can improve your writing skills and that there is experience and emotion residing inside of you, a story that needs to be told and shared with the world.

6.Feed your soul with some art

Visit museums, exhibitions, go to concerts and listen to music; dance and sing – enjoy other expressions of creativity as it can further inspire your writing. Diverse emotions that come from different senses can generate a feeling that we are creative beings and sometimes that is all you need for writing ideas to spark and come forth into your consciousnesses.

7.Don’t try to invent hot water – every time!

What I mean by this is that many writers are afraid that they are not original enough; that something similar already exists, that every story and poem is already written and told. But I want to remind you that you are unique person with unique points of view and unique experiences. No one can steal and copy that. As long as you are true to yourself it will be reflected in your writing.

How do you work on improving your writing? Please share your experiences in the comments below.

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23 thoughts on “7 tips for improving your creative writing skills

  1. Great tips! I especially have to remember that no one can tell a story exactly as I do. Originality is desired but shouldn’t be allowed to become a hindrance. Thank you for writing about this!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent for even veteran writers. I would add, keep up with the basics. I know grammar and spelling well enough, but I’m not a master of either and I don’t think anyone else is. GrammarGuide sends daily exercises through e-mail, and I keep my vocabulary stocked with three word-a-day lists. And don’t just write often—write every day as much as possible, if even only a sentence or two.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. That was so inspirational, and not just inspirational, there was so much to learn. Everybody should read this post. Following these points, I’m sure everybody can be the writer of their thought. Will help me a lot and I’m surely sharing this post.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. First off: These are some great and helpful tips for any type of creative out there. Thank you for sharing these.

    Usually I am an occasional writer. This month however I decided to challenge myself by writing every day and then publish what I have written without obsessive editing or hesitations. I write whatever comes to mind and then after I feel like I am done, I come here and publish it.
    At first it was quite difficult to “find” the time and to get used to write every single day. But now, I find the longer I do it the easier it gets. I’ve learned to let go of my ego (that every writer develops over time) and to just unleash myself onto paper.

    On a side note: Over time I have learned that the pieces you don’t like or want others to read, because you think they’re garbage, THESE are what most people like and can relate to.

    Best wishes,

    Prospermind. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience. I personally can relate with every word you wrote. The more you write, the better your writing becomes. After sometime when you develop a habit of continual writing, if a day passes by without writing – you kinda miss it. And on a few occasions I have also written about free writing style – an excellent way for brainstorming ideas and getting into flow with your writing.

      What I also noticed is that “the pieces you don’t like or want others to read”as you said, usually contain some hidden vulnerability that we are afraid what others might think of- and actually people really like to connect to that human, soft side – most people relate to, as you said.
      I’m so glad you are working on your writing. Keep up with good work 🙂


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