4 reasons why creativity is good for your business



During my research I came a cross interesting study from 2014. It was delivered by independent Forrester Consulting group and focuses on the impact that creativity can have on business results. Now, when we think of business performance and innovation first things that come into our mind are productivity and technology, but what about the most important part of human resources – creativity? Well, this study tries to answer some of these questions.

During the study, many senior managers that come from corporations across a diverse set of industries were surveyed and interviewed  to give their quantitative and  qualitative overview of how creativity impacts business results (you can read the report here).

In general, the study confirms what I always truly believed: creativity is a resource and skill that can be nurtured in organizations with aim to recharge business performance in terms of  key business indicators, like innovation rate, revenue growth, market share and talent acquisition.

Key findings in this study also include that:

  • Despite the perceived benefits of creativity, 61% of companies do not see their companies as creative.
  • More companies that foster creativity achieve exceptional revenue growth comparing to their peers.
  • More creative companies enjoy greater market share and competitive leadership.
  • More creative companies win recognition as a best place to work.
  • Companies put creativity on the business agenda.
  • Creativity thrives with leadership support.

What also we can learn from these conclusions is:

  1. In any kind of work and entrepreneurship creativity is becoming a vital currency for us to monetize our competitive advantage.
  1. Creativity can help us moves forward on the leadership ladder in our industry.
  1. Business that encourages creativity is a healthier working place.
  1. Business that encourages creativity is more attractive both to customers and potential coworkers.

How creativity is treated in your work place? Please share in the comments bellow. And as an inspiration for your creativity at work I’ve included a poem to keep you motivated and on track:

Team Work by Edgar A. Guest

It’s all very well to have courage and skill

And it’s fine to be counted a star,

But the single deed with its touch of thrill

Doesn’t tell the man you are;

For there’s no lone hand in the game we play,

We must work to a bigger scheme,

And the thing that counts in the world to-day

Is, How do you pull with the team?

They may sound your praise and call you great,

They may single you out for fame,

But you must work with your running mate

Or you’ll never win the game;

Oh, never the work of life is done

By the man with a selfish dream,

For the battle is lost or the battle is won

By the spirit of the team.

You may think it fine to be praised for skill,

But a greater thing to do

Is to set your mind and set your will

On the goal that’s just in view;

It’s helping your fellowman to score

When his chances hopeless seem;

Its forgetting self till the game is o’re

And fighting for the team.

9 thoughts on “4 reasons why creativity is good for your business

  1. Having worked in corporates, I can say, they have detailed plans when it come to implement creative way or innovation (especially branding and digital media), but they remain on paper. Meddling by managers and communication kills the original creative ideas and has an outcome contrary to what was planned. Corporates should learn how to handle creative people first.

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  2. So true I find the alpha types tend to take over the meetings leaving the quieter more reflective creative type quietly nodding saying little. The creative type needs time and a peaceful space to incubate the idea or problem. I find you can force the creativity with time constraints or bonus incentives but it will always have that taint on the final outcome. Not always but if the task or problem is solved with creativity from passion then the magic occurs-speaking from my experiences.

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  3. i would like to take moment and thank you for stopping by to have a read, also for the follow.

    i enjoy this post it was extremely informational…

    i am all for creativity, especially when it is in a childlike fashion..

    hugs chris

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