14 literary (wordpress based) journals worth following and submitting your work

As my previous list of journals was very well received by you, my dear readers, I thought to do a similar, follow up list, but this time looking at some great magazines here at wordpress.com.

These sites I follow and read as regularly as I can and I hope you’ll find them interesting.

  1. Smoking glue gun: is my absolute favorite. Here I have discovered many new authors I adore like Kelly Boyker. As they say:

we look for the flashy, fresh, feminist, grotesque, avant-garde, minimalist, startling, etc. We accept original unpublished art in all forms: text, sound, video, image, hybrid, etc. we welcome simultaneous submissions.

2. Eunoiareview: I’ve been also following for some time. I like reading their poetry as it is very inspirational. In their own words:

It‘s an online literary journal committed to sharing the fruits of ‘beautiful thinking’. Each day, we publish two new pieces of writing for your reading pleasure. We believe that Eunoia Review can and should be a home for all sorts of writing, and we welcome submissions from writers of all ages and backgrounds.

3. Oddball magazine: If you like something different, odd (like me) that this is the place for you. Check it out here.

4. Algebra of owls: They have published some great stuff from our fellow bloggers/poets and it is becoming a place where I frequently stop by to see what’s new. Really like it.

5. Odd magazine: it’s all about exploring and fulfilling your mind with different experiences:

Odd is a place where people are coming for their weekly slice of happiness.”

definitely worth following and reading on a regular basis.

6. Red wolf journal: has usually a defined topic and you should submit your poems accordingly. More about it you can learn here.

7. Clear poetry is a fairly new magazine – focusing on and encouraging contemporary poetry. I liked many of the poems I read there and I highly recommended for regular visit as a sort of inspiration or for submitting your own work.

8.The Rising Phoenix Review is a monthly online zine dedicated to publishing poetry focused on the working class and other marginalized groups:

We believe in the transformative power of poetry, and our mission is to publish writing that actively engages the social issues of our time.

The Review was created by Rising Phoenix Press, an independent publisher located in Boston, Massachusetts.

9. Subsynchronous Press – Small Press Publisher of High-Caliber Poetry, they offer opportunities for two magazines to publish your work. My preference goes to Veil: Journal of Darker musings, dealing with more humorous and darker themes. Nevertheless, check them out as you might find something suitable for you.

  1. The Stare’s net:

 We are open to submissions of poems in many styles, with a general theme of political issues, social justice, equality and diversity. We don’t want to be a platform for entrenched positions or a place where people play out tired political scripts; the poems we relish:

– surprise us

– make us think in new ways

– strive to reconnect politics in its broadest sense with people

– challenge our understandings of left and right

– engage with the difficulty of mass society

– imagine how society should run and be run

– offer hope

11. A swift exit is something completely new to me. At the moment they are open and accepting poems for their first volume of poetry.

12. Sicklitmagazine is also fairly new, not afraid to dig into different taboo topics. They accept poetry, fiction and flash fiction. Check here their guidelines.

13. Silver birch press is not a journal, but rather a blog of a small press publisher, based in LA. They publish some great stuff and occasionally there will be a call for submissions for anthologies and ext.

14. The Fem is more dealing with feminist writing and issues. They are oriented towards writing that speaks to experience (as they state it). Often you will come across themes like sex, gender, race, ability, and sexuality. I’ve enjoyed many good poems here, so give them a visit if you interested in mentioned topics.

I hope you’ll enjoy browsing these blogs/journals just as I do 🙂

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35 thoughts on “14 literary (wordpress based) journals worth following and submitting your work

  1. I really appreciate what you are doing. I earned my doctoral degree in educational leadership, worked as school district administrator for 10 years, taught 15 years prior to that. I am retired six years ago. I do have a lot to share in different forms. Your site would be very helpful to me. Thank you again and thank you for liking my post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I do like to encourage people to write, be true to themselves and share that experiences as in that sense we all benefit and grow. I’m looking forward to reading your future posts 🙂



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