Charge your day with creative daily routine (creativity exercise)


There are those days, especially in winter (when most of the days are short and dark) that you think “I just don’t feel like doing anything creatively today – there’s too much other stuff I need to do”. And what happens is that you don’t feel like doing anything at all! Hence, if we set the right intention for the day and start our morning routine in meaningful way, which can influence the tone even for the weak ahead, it’s a worth of try to do something in the morning that can boost your creativity and get your productive flow running.

For me is to have a fruit bowl in the morning, followed by a half an hour yoga session. I never skip breakfast, but sometimes I’m just too lazy (I admit! 🙂 ) to get on my yoga mat and start stretching, but even in those mornings I try to convince myself how good I will feel afterwords – energetic and motivated.

Because, if we don’t do what helps us to start our day right, then whole day can be a waste of time and energy.

This exercise I’m suggesting will help you figure out what’s important to you and how to incorporate that in your productive day:

  1. Describe how looks like your typical morning: what you do, how you do it; estimate the time between getting up and starting your work day (half an hour, hour, two hours?). Write everything: how you feel, what you do, what you like about it, what you don’t like about it. Write it in a form of free writing or you can write a poem – it doesn’t matter: just get it out what’s on your mind.
  2. Now, turn the page and try to remember how looked like the morning of your exquisitely productive day: what did you do, how did you feel, what was essential for that productive day – write everything down.
  3. Compare: is there anything missing in your typical morning routine comparing to one of the extremely productive day? Are you getting enough sleep? Do you need extra help around the house errands? Do you skip your workout? Notice that one key element and think of ways to incorporate more of that in your typical mornings. Don’t try to change everything, just one thing – start small and see how that affects your productivity.

By being mindful about your morning routine and applying small changes can help us get those small increments in our productivity that can turn our day from boring to fabulous – give it a try.

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5 components of the winning productivity

Voltaire - best philosopher in austere times notes and queries

Simplifying our schedule and work environment are first steps in gaining our productivity back. Hence, staying productive and turning it into a habit, requires also a work from our side. Here, I propose few approaches that can help you become and stay productive.

Prioritize three main tasks.

In this digital age, when technology is conquering every inch and second of our life, many people use to-do lists to stay organized. What really counts is the intention we put behind our planning. No to-do list or planning is effective unless we act upon it: strategically and efficiently. In other words, pile of things you schedule yourself to do with a reminder  that will beep somewhere in the background can only make you more nervous and anxious.

First thing you can do to increase your productivity at work is two prioritize three main tasks you need to do for the next day. The best thing is to write them down, before sleep. In that sense you are putting yourself forward, intentionally preparing your mind for the things that need to be done next day. Late dr Wayne Dyer used to call that “let your ideas marinate over night”.

Become an early riser.

If there are any parts of your life you would like to improve – squeezing in some time for exercising, eating healthier or simply stop being late all the time, you need to start building your morning routine, one that focuses around your needs.

Do less important and repetitive tasks when your productivity is low.

Observe yourself: note at which times your attention and concentration levels are not at their best and do tasks that don’t require that much of your energy.

Kill that nagging perfectionist inside.

No matter how good we are at our work, efficient and reliable, many people simply are never satisfied we the work they produce. But this not affecting only them, but also the people they work with. I had a colleague that what ever she was doing, she did it at such slow pace, the rest of us would always need to wait for her to finish report, to come at the meeting on time and ext. Her work was good, yet she was never satisfied, always in need to correct, add, erase…you get the picture. Now, I’m not the proponent of sloppy work, but at some point you need to put the limits and say “This is good enough – for the conditions, resources, time given – I produced a hell of good job!” – Instead of  terrorizing yourself inside with achieving unreachable perfection for never-ending goal!

Take meaningful breaks.

Take enough rest during your working hours since it can help you feel energized during the day. Instead of stressing about the things you still need to do, try to reflect upon the things you’ve already done: that sense of relief and gratitude for the things you already did, will set you on the right foot for other things ahead of you.

Why sit ye idly dreaming all the day,
While the golden, precious hours flit away?
See you not the day is waning, waning fast?
That the morn’s already vanished in the past?

When the glowing noon approaches, we will rest
Who have worked through all the morning; but at best,
If you work with zeal and ardor till the night,
You can only make the wasted moments right.

Think you life was made for dreaming, nothing more,
When God’s work lies all unfinished at your door?
Souls to save and hearts to strengthen–ah! such work,
Such a richly freighted labor, who would shirk?

Then arise, O idle dreamer! Dreams are sweet,
But better flowers are growing at your feet.
If you crush, or pass unheeding, idle friend,
You shall answer for their ruin in the end.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox